Discrete-event Simulation module

The discrete-event simulation (DES) module takes a configuration file (.xlsx) as input and computes a set of key performance indicators (KPIs), using DES to predict the evolution of system state. The modelled system is the histopathology lab at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK.

Service architecture

@startuml  participant "Frontend" as User participant "API server" as API database DB participant Orchestrator  User -> API: Simulation request API -> DB: New simulation DB --> API: OK  API --> User: 202 Accepted API -> Orchestrator: Enqueue simulation replications  Orchestrator -> Worker : Job activate Worker #77FF77  loop status check User -> API: Simulation query API -> DB: Fetch simulation status DB --> API: Simulation status (running) API --> User: Simulation status (running) end  Worker --> DB: Result Worker --> Orchestrator --: Job sucessful  ==All workers completed==  Orchestrator -> Worker : Precompute\nfigure / table\ndata activate Worker #77FF77 Worker --> DB: KPI figure / table data Worker --> Orchestrator --: Job sucessful  User -> API: Simulation query API -> DB: Fetch simulation status DB --> API: Simulation status (finished) API --> User: Simulation status (finished)  @enduml

Currently, the Orchestrator is based on RQ; a Kubernetes-based solution is planned (each task to generate a new worker pod, which is destroyed upon task completion).

Note that in the above figure, we precompute the KPI results to display. In fact, the stored objects in the database are entire Plotly figures converted into dict form. This greatly reduces page load time when viewing simulation results via the frontend service.


A major drawback of the above method is that updates to the KPIs displayed in the frontend may break compatibility with older simulation results.

Simulation processes

Simulation processes are handled by defining salabim.Component instances and activating (activate()) their attached methods. By default, any process() method is automatically activated upon component instantiation.

Components based on physical entities in the simulation model include Specimen, Block, Slide, and Batch. Additionally, process components include ArrivalGenerator, ResourceScheduler, and BaseProcess.

The BaseProcess class and derived classes

@startuml  left to right direction  abstract BaseProcess {     name: str     env: Model     in_queue: salabim.Store      {abstract} process: () → None }  class Process {     in_type: type     fn: Callable      {static} new: (...) → None } BaseProcess <|-- Process  class BatchingProcess {     batch_size: int | Distribution     out_process: str      {static} new: (...) → None } BaseProcess <|-- BatchingProcess  class CollationProcess {     count_attr: str     out_process: str     - pool: dict[str, list]      {static} new: (...) → None } BaseProcess <|-- CollationProcess  class DeliveryProcess {     runner: salabim.Resource     durations: RunnerDurations     out_process: str      {static} new: (...) → None } BaseProcess <|-- DeliveryProcess  @enduml

Each derived class contains a new() method with different parameters based on the process type. All new() methods adds the process object to the processes attribute of the simulation model/environment object env; additionally, the Process class also registers fn into the list of defined methods for the class specified by in_type. For example, Process.new(env, Specimen, task) sets env.processes['task'] to the newly created process, and also sets Specimen.task to the task method.

Note that the above works even for classes generated using templates, for example, the Batch[Block] class is used for many processes in the Processing stage of the simulation model.

Specimen data, Monitors, and KPI calculation

A Model.specimen_data dict object is used to store data for all specimens, including timestamps for the start and end of each histopathology stage. The number of specimens in each stage is tracked using salabim.Monitor objects; additionally, we use the built-in monitors of the salabim.Resource class to monitor resource capacity and usage.

From the above, we compute KPIs such as overall and/or lab turnaround time and mean resource utilisation, and compare these across multiple simulation scenarios.